Thursday, August 29, 2013


Where does the time go? I certainly had bigger and better plans for getting on here...everyday. Yeah right! I am a stay a home mom....of three boys...all playing football...all in school...and keeping me hoping. Not to mention by passion for all things Scentsy, Grace Adele and Velata.

And now that school has started...even busier! But that is okay...that is what I signed up for...that is all to be expected....

.....even expected still is dealing with moody teenagers or tweens in this know when you have more than one child that they are all going to be different....unique....and that is what you want....what you don't expect is how hard it is going to be to deal with each one and their unique heard me right ....CRAZY!

I love my kids...wouldn't trade a million dollars for a single one or all three but man oh man I am ready to lock one in cryogenics until he gets through puberty.....yes I know that technically wouldn't work since the theory of that means stopping the aging process ..... but you get my drift ;)

More days than not we have serious mood swings....crying ....anger....lashing out....sounds like me most of the month ..... dramatic maybe a better way to say it.....anyway...going to try a few new things to see if it helps him/me/us/family/siblings....all of us...minus Dad because he would never act this way in front of him.....are suffering....almost late to school today because of it...

Journals are going to be the first step.....wish me luck!

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