Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Review Time!

LOVE it! Charging cables are a constant necessity in this house. Someone is always losing theirs. Kids come over and forgot theirs. Something. I was given this one at a discounted rate for my honest opinion. And I love it! The stronger braided cable is perfect for the car. Normal cables are always breaking when you have a house full of teenagers. It is the right length for the car so the passenger can help with navigation and answering text. Because we all know you do NOT text and drive :( 
Definitely recommend this cable for anyone needing an extra cord! #purcable

Monday, May 2, 2016

A Time to Transition

From the Women of Faith study guide series Balance:

A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted. - Ecclesiastes 3:2

"For some of us change is easy.  We love the excitement of trying something new, stepping out of our comfort zone, and experiencing a new activity.  Without something new, we tend to grow bored and disengaged.  But for other of us , change makes us uneasy.  We are more comfortable with the familiar and predictable.  When life is steady, we're able to not only come alive but thrive." 

Think about which one you are. Do you welcome change or run from it?  There was a quiz in this section....I was equal in two of the three catagories. But I do like change but not all change. 

No matter how you are with change, just remember that God is always with you. Pray and ask for guidance. Waiting on an answer is always the hard part.  "Whatever season you find yourself in, rest assured that God is with you and He longs to see you flourish and to bring you to an even more fruitful life in Him"