Where does the time go? I certainly had bigger and better plans for getting on here...everyday. Yeah right! I am a stay a home mom....of three boys...all playing football...all in school...and keeping me hoping. Not to mention by passion for all things Scentsy, Grace Adele and Velata.
And now that school has started...even busier! But that is okay...that is what I signed up for...that is all to be expected....
.....even expected still is dealing with moody teenagers or tweens in this case....you know when you have more than one child that they are all going to be different....unique....and that is what you want....what you don't expect is how hard it is going to be to deal with each one and their unique craziness.....you heard me right ....CRAZY!
I love my kids...wouldn't trade a million dollars for a single one or all three but man oh man I am ready to lock one in cryogenics until he gets through puberty.....yes I know that technically wouldn't work since the theory of that means stopping the aging process ..... but you get my drift ;)
More days than not we have serious mood swings....crying ....anger....lashing out....sounds like me most of the month ..... dramatic maybe a better way to say it.....anyway...going to try a few new things to see if it helps him/me/us/family/siblings....all of us...minus Dad because he would never act this way in front of him.....are suffering....almost late to school today because of it...
Journals are going to be the first step.....wish me luck!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Football Star

Best of Times Ultimate Personal Bar Package (A.L.L. Review)
ARV $698
Hosted by:
A Ladybug on the Go
"The Best of Times Bar is the ultimate piece of party equipment for entertainers from all walks of life. The portable bar is perfect for any occasion, and can be customized with a variety of interchangeable wraps."
"Best of Times Bar is the first and only high-quality portable bar designed for use both indoors and out. Ideal for entertaining on the patio, tailgating for the big game, or even hosting an elegant cocktail hour; the Best of Times Bar has everything needed to create the ultimate party. The portable bar can be assembled in less than five minutes, and its durable construction makes it perfect for entertaining on-the-go. The professional quality bar is great for caterers, professional party planners, tailgate enthusiasts and the everyday party host. With a wide and growing variety of image wraps, the Best of Times Bar can be customized to match décor for any occasion."
"The Best of Times Bar is the ultimate piece of party equipment for entertainers from all walks of life. The portable bar is perfect for any occasion, and can be customized with a variety of interchangeable wraps."
"Best of Times Bar is the first and only high-quality portable bar designed for use both indoors and out. Ideal for entertaining on the patio, tailgating for the big game, or even hosting an elegant cocktail hour; the Best of Times Bar has everything needed to create the ultimate party. The portable bar can be assembled in less than five minutes, and its durable construction makes it perfect for entertaining on-the-go. The professional quality bar is great for caterers, professional party planners, tailgate enthusiasts and the everyday party host. With a wide and growing variety of image wraps, the Best of Times Bar can be customized to match décor for any occasion."
Don't want to wait!? I don't blame you :) Use the code: GHAPFAOU for 15% OFF during this promotion! Perfect way to start the season.
**If you are a company and would like to see your brand advertised in a M.O.O.N. event similar to this please contact MakeOurOwnNetwork@gmail.com
This giveaway is open to the Continental US only (because of shipping costs) and will end on September 12th, 2013
a Rafflecopter giveaway
"Make Our Own Network" solely organized this event and I received no compensation for this publication. My opinions are 100% my own and may differ from your own or even those stated in this post. God Has A Plan for ALL of us! is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment.
This giveaway is open to the Continental US only (because of shipping costs) and will end on September 12th, 2013
a Rafflecopter giveaway
"Make Our Own Network" solely organized this event and I received no compensation for this publication. My opinions are 100% my own and may differ from your own or even those stated in this post. God Has A Plan for ALL of us! is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
It made me cry ...
This made me cry...made me realize that I give up way to quickly, let other's opinions control me and I like sleep WAY to much LOL I hope that this can help someone else!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
W X Y Z........
Word: God's Word to be exact. The definition of Word of God is defined as the manifestation of the mind and will of God. Have you read in your Bible today? It is so important to study and read His Word daily. Without that connection you miss out on His amazing plans for you. On the wonders that only He can provide. Don't know where to start? Easy .... goto YouVersion.com and start there. They have several reading plans and you can pick the right one just for you. I highly recommend the Life Application Study Bible Devotion. A year long plan to help guide you to a relationship with God.
What do you think of when you hear the end of the alphabet? ...... XYZ
The first thing that came to my mind....The Alpha and the Omega...The Beginning and the End.
Revelation 22:12-15 NKJV
12 "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. 14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.
God Bless to everyone. That we may as Christians come together to help others. To serve the Lord and that his Light shine bright through us.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Party Like a Football Star

Best of Times Ultimate Personal Bar Package
ARV $698
Hosted by:
Sign-ups close 8/26
**The blogger with the most referrals will receive the additional links at no cost
Click HERE to sign up and for more html info.
M.O.O.N. has now added several perks/discounts for frequent participation in our events but you must be a member of our Facebook group to be eligible. Please visit the M.O.O.N. group if you are a blogger and would like more information regarding these perks and other group events.
**If you are a company and would like to see your brand advertised in a M.O.O.N. event similar to this or a Blogger interested in working with M.O.O.N. please contact MakeOurOwnNetwork@gmail.com
M.O.O.N. has now added several perks/discounts for frequent participation in our events but you must be a member of our Facebook group to be eligible. Please visit the M.O.O.N. group if you are a blogger and would like more information regarding these perks and other group events.
**If you are a company and would like to see your brand advertised in a M.O.O.N. event similar to this or a Blogger interested in working with M.O.O.N. please contact MakeOurOwnNetwork@gmail.com
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Of course I haven't been on here in awhile but that doesn't mean my plans have been delayed....tricked you didn't I ;)
I have been committed to my plans to eat better and exercise more. Not to say that I couldn't do more....we can always do more. But my goals have been realistic this time. I am more flexible and know that I am going to slip. Do you know what happens when you do that.....you get back and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Day in and day out! That is all anyone can ask you to do.
Dh and I just got backed from the Scentsy Family Reunion in Indianapolis a week or so ago. It was life changing and eye opening. Brought me a renewed sense of self. That I can do anything I set my mind to. That is ok to make mistakes. You learn from them, you get up and you try again. I have come to realize that I don't have to make everyone else happy all the time. That the world will not come crashing down if you don't like me. I am a good person and a WORTHY person. And for those that don't agree....oh well....to bad for you!
I have been committed to my plans to eat better and exercise more. Not to say that I couldn't do more....we can always do more. But my goals have been realistic this time. I am more flexible and know that I am going to slip. Do you know what happens when you do that.....you get back and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Day in and day out! That is all anyone can ask you to do.
Dh and I just got backed from the Scentsy Family Reunion in Indianapolis a week or so ago. It was life changing and eye opening. Brought me a renewed sense of self. That I can do anything I set my mind to. That is ok to make mistakes. You learn from them, you get up and you try again. I have come to realize that I don't have to make everyone else happy all the time. That the world will not come crashing down if you don't like me. I am a good person and a WORTHY person. And for those that don't agree....oh well....to bad for you!
I think one of my new goals is to help others realize this. I can't say one thing or another made me finally realize it. I wish I could because that would make helping others a whole lot easier! But I can't. I have a dear friend who tells me that almost every day yet I still just didn't get it. I believe that there is a lot of us out there who don't. Who don't realize that being yourself is what it is all about. Believing in yourself makes the difference. What others think....really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Victorious: a. having won a victory b. evincing moral harmony or a sense of fulfillment.
This one was so easy to me. It was definitely the first word that popped into my mind. God's plan for us is for Victory without a doubt.
Jeremiah 29:11 is my favorite scripture and the first one I had memorized.
For I know that plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
How simple stated that that He wants us to be victorious in everything. His plans are always right on track!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
This is a really hard one! I didn't want to pick anything negative....most words that start with the letter u...are followed by n...leaving my choices as un...anything...so I checked numerous sites and there wasn't many choices. Some pages didn't have anything listed.
I choose to do the same...instead of listing a negative word and definition I choose to not post anything!!
Not only have I missed posting nearly as much as I wanted....but I haven't stuck to my walking.....
It's ridiculous! Why can't I just get my butt in gear....I frustrate MYSELF! I am going to do more....and even though I haven't been walking everyday, I am still walking much more than I ever did so that is a step in the right direction...just not fast enough.
I have been looking into yoga. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis. I am not using this as an excuse. At least I am not trying to. But what it means is adjusting most of what I do to accommodate my issues. I have looked into many different things to try and besides swimming this looks to be my best bet. The doctors want me in the water but I don't have time to get to a pool, during set times no less, and get anything done. I am a stay at home mom of three boys and a Scentsy Family Consultant. I have things to do and can't plan....or choose not to plan...my day around getting to a pool and all the hassles that go with that.
I have been busy getting my set of Bring Back My Bar testers ready to go. I just LOVE all the yummy scents. Sadly we only have one month to get them but it gives me a good reason to stock up on them ;) July is going to be a FUN month :) On top of this, we have the Scentsy Family Reunion and family coming to visit!
This is from Vegas last year:
It's ridiculous! Why can't I just get my butt in gear....I frustrate MYSELF! I am going to do more....and even though I haven't been walking everyday, I am still walking much more than I ever did so that is a step in the right direction...just not fast enough.
I have been looking into yoga. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis. I am not using this as an excuse. At least I am not trying to. But what it means is adjusting most of what I do to accommodate my issues. I have looked into many different things to try and besides swimming this looks to be my best bet. The doctors want me in the water but I don't have time to get to a pool, during set times no less, and get anything done. I am a stay at home mom of three boys and a Scentsy Family Consultant. I have things to do and can't plan....or choose not to plan...my day around getting to a pool and all the hassles that go with that.
I have been busy getting my set of Bring Back My Bar testers ready to go. I just LOVE all the yummy scents. Sadly we only have one month to get them but it gives me a good reason to stock up on them ;) July is going to be a FUN month :) On top of this, we have the Scentsy Family Reunion and family coming to visit!
This is from Vegas last year:
Yeah, he is kinda silly sometimes ;)
My awesome director and best friend!
These were from the year before in Ft. Worth!
Easy to say we are going to have a BLAST in Indy!
Monday, June 10, 2013
New week
It's a new week! Most don't look forward to Mondays but I don't mind them a bit. Time to start over. Time to renew!
Last week's exercise didn't quite go the way I had wanted. Sunday and Monday the family and I cleaned out our garage. I when I say cleaned out....I could say cleared out! We gave it all to my sister who was going to look through and see if she wanted anything and the rest was going to go to her Church garage sale. By Monday afternoon my right foot was hurting...so much that I was limping through the store and to our sons game!
My husband was afraid that I had been bit by a brown recluse spider....eeewww! He has and says the feeling was like a stone bruise at first....and this definitely felt that way. But I had not seen any swelling or discoloration so I prayed that it was ok. Tuesday I decided to skip the treadmill ....if I was on my feet more than 10 minutes it started hurting again. Come Wednesday I had enough....no way was I missing again!!
Got on and finished it but man oh man did it hurt at times! I even tried jogging ....big mistake! So come Thursday...I only made it about 10 minutes...hated myself for it too :( Friday....I did the whole 30 minutes and then we had an out of town double header with OC's team ...pretty there was some sort of exercise in there :)
Tonight MC has a game but I still have to get my walk in....guess I had better do it now while I have time!!
This one was harder than I thought. But I settled on Trinity. What does trinity mean? From Dictionary.com:
Trinity: 1. Also called Blessed Trinity, Holy Trinity. the union of three person (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) in one Godhead, or the threefold personality of the one Divine Being. 2. a representation of this in art. 3. Trinity Sunday 4. a group of three, triad. 5. the state of being threefold or triple.
While researching for this post, I found that the word Trinity is not listed in the Bible and that (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) are the intention (Trinity). I found an article on CARM.org that I found very helpful if you wish to read more. Explaining the truth and importance of the Trinity.
Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
There I said it!
(Ended up being much longer than I had planned but then again....it isn't my plan that counts)
So I was going to do this post on Tuesday and for whatever reason I didn't....then come Wednesday I was like oohhh I have so much more I can add....now today...I am like crud! I should have done it because today was definitely different!
So I will start off by saying and not happily I might add...on May 21, 2013 I weighed 173.4 lbs. THERE I said! And it's scary. To put your self out there like that....you know others are going to judge but whatever....It is what it and only I can change it. By putting it out there I am holding myself accountable to it. That number WILL change. But not because the number is what is important but because how I feel about myself is important.
I hate myself....there I said that too. I don't like the person I have let myself become. I am tired of being tired. I am tired of looking in the mirror and being disgusted. And not just because of my body but because I am not being who I am. I have this ridiculous idea that everyone needs to be happy. You know what that does?? Makes me unhappy! Because I have not been taking care of myself and my wants and needs....I still can't believe I am typing this ...smh....Don't get me wrong. I Love LOVE my kids, husband, my pets. But I need to learn to love myself. I am a good person who would do anything for anyone who needs it. I truly want others to be happy. I want others to succeed. I have always tried to take everything on myself so others don't have to. Like my DH (dear hubby), he works a lot of hours and has a stressful job...I stay at home and work my Scentsy business ......he shouldn't have to worry about things ....BUT I have shouldn't worry about everything. We are suppose to be partners and that means the worry and business of raising a family too. I don't feel like a control freak but it is hard to let go of that stuff. Why?!
I need to be able to get up and feel good about myself and what I am doing. It WILL happen!
Tuesday I took charge...by accident mind you but I did. I took MO (my oldest) to driver's ed...ugh I am getting old ....I had to be up at 8 am ...so not a morning person....so I figured I would do something constructive with my time....I got on the treadmill and did a 30 minute work out. We have a Gold's Gym treadmill...it has set workout routines that change the speed and incline for you....It KICKED my butt.
But I didn't quit. I did it! I was so excited that I did it and didn't quit or cheat and step off to the side - It felt amazing!
Wednesday - I did it again! Took him to drivers ed...got on the treadmill and just went after it :) I was happy. This probably sounds crazy but it seemed easier...which made me even more determined! I am so proud of myself for doing it another day.
Moving forward to today...ugh...what was I thinking! For whatever reason I was not a nice person yesterday. Not intentionally but my body/mind was so stressed that I snapped at everyone...I don't like myself when I act like that...makes me feel childish. I decided to have a rum and coke. Just one - nothing more. I am sure regretted it this morning. Took MC (middle child) to weight room for summer workouts....I love that this football program does this...time to get on the treadmill! Yeah no...so many times I wanted to quit...lower the incline...change the speed...
I just had to remind myself that I was only hurting myself, only cheating myself and that NO ONE else could do what I needed to do. I wasn't even half way at one point when I wanted to give up...that is sad. But I kept going, kept pushing through and finished! I FINISHED! My legs are sore and I LOVE IT!
Don't let me give up! I need help and I know it. I am avoiding the scale and some clothes until the 21st of June...My goal is to lose 10 lbs by then....Hold me to IT!
So I was going to do this post on Tuesday and for whatever reason I didn't....then come Wednesday I was like oohhh I have so much more I can add....now today...I am like crud! I should have done it because today was definitely different!
So I will start off by saying and not happily I might add...on May 21, 2013 I weighed 173.4 lbs. THERE I said! And it's scary. To put your self out there like that....you know others are going to judge but whatever....It is what it and only I can change it. By putting it out there I am holding myself accountable to it. That number WILL change. But not because the number is what is important but because how I feel about myself is important.
I hate myself....there I said that too. I don't like the person I have let myself become. I am tired of being tired. I am tired of looking in the mirror and being disgusted. And not just because of my body but because I am not being who I am. I have this ridiculous idea that everyone needs to be happy. You know what that does?? Makes me unhappy! Because I have not been taking care of myself and my wants and needs....I still can't believe I am typing this ...smh....Don't get me wrong. I Love LOVE my kids, husband, my pets. But I need to learn to love myself. I am a good person who would do anything for anyone who needs it. I truly want others to be happy. I want others to succeed. I have always tried to take everything on myself so others don't have to. Like my DH (dear hubby), he works a lot of hours and has a stressful job...I stay at home and work my Scentsy business ......he shouldn't have to worry about things ....BUT I have shouldn't worry about everything. We are suppose to be partners and that means the worry and business of raising a family too. I don't feel like a control freak but it is hard to let go of that stuff. Why?!
I need to be able to get up and feel good about myself and what I am doing. It WILL happen!
Tuesday I took charge...by accident mind you but I did. I took MO (my oldest) to driver's ed...ugh I am getting old ....I had to be up at 8 am ...so not a morning person....so I figured I would do something constructive with my time....I got on the treadmill and did a 30 minute work out. We have a Gold's Gym treadmill...it has set workout routines that change the speed and incline for you....It KICKED my butt.
But I didn't quit. I did it! I was so excited that I did it and didn't quit or cheat and step off to the side - It felt amazing!
Wednesday - I did it again! Took him to drivers ed...got on the treadmill and just went after it :) I was happy. This probably sounds crazy but it seemed easier...which made me even more determined! I am so proud of myself for doing it another day.
Moving forward to today...ugh...what was I thinking! For whatever reason I was not a nice person yesterday. Not intentionally but my body/mind was so stressed that I snapped at everyone...I don't like myself when I act like that...makes me feel childish. I decided to have a rum and coke. Just one - nothing more. I am sure regretted it this morning. Took MC (middle child) to weight room for summer workouts....I love that this football program does this...time to get on the treadmill! Yeah no...so many times I wanted to quit...lower the incline...change the speed...
I just had to remind myself that I was only hurting myself, only cheating myself and that NO ONE else could do what I needed to do. I wasn't even half way at one point when I wanted to give up...that is sad. But I kept going, kept pushing through and finished! I FINISHED! My legs are sore and I LOVE IT!
Don't let me give up! I need help and I know it. I am avoiding the scale and some clothes until the 21st of June...My goal is to lose 10 lbs by then....Hold me to IT!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Salvation: The deliverance from the power and effects of sin.
That is the very first listing for the definition on
I didn't feel the need to look any further. Simply stated and eloquently put. Salvation, Redemption - what more could you ask for...well technically a lot but those are only wants and not needs. Salvation and Redemption are all we need and nothing that we can earn. Jesus' provided us with it. It is because of God's Grace that we get to go to heaven not just because we want to or think we should.
Colossians 1:13-14
New King James Version (NKJV)
13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.
Romans 6:23
New King James Version (NKJV)
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
If you have not asked God for salvation and accepted Jesus as your savoir - There is NO time like the present. You do not need to be standing in a Church full of people. You just need to reach out to Him right now. Say this prayer, turn your heart and mind to Him.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Redemption. The most amazing undeserving thing Christ has given us.
On dictionary.com the definition is listed as: 1. an act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake, or the state of being redeemed 2. deliverance; rescue 3. Theology. deliverance from sin. Salvation. 4. atonement for guilt. 5. repurchased, as of something sold.
Jesus paid the ultimate price for us with His death on the cross. Purchasing us from our sins and obtaining our freedom for us.
Luke 21:27-28
New King James Version (NKJV)
27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Romans 3:22-24
New King James Version (NKJV)
22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all[a] who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
It's time....
....it's time to get back to my blog. I am not sure what direction I am going to take; I just know that God is always with me. Without God, I am nothing. I am thinking about taking a more personal direction. Focused more on my life, struggles and accomplishments. Turn this into more of a journal of sorts. Today, my focus is on my lack of motivation. I have so much that needs to be done, from the simple cleaning of the house to more complex life changing things. I have unfinished craft projects, unfinished books...a grocery list that needs to be made LOL I know it needs to be done...so many little things...it will get done but when is the obvious question that I can not answer. For now, I write on here..watch River Monsters with the boys and get another cup of coffee....
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Conscious Box Giveaway
I was so excited when Conscious Box contacted ME about doing a giveaway for their products!
I, of course, went to their website to check out the products first :) I was greatly surprised! They offer Eco-friendly products shipped right to your door. Here is what is listed on their site:
Discover the Best Natural & Eco-Friendly Products on the Planet
Conscious Box helps you discover the purest, healthiest natural products in the world from the most ethical companies! From natural beauty to health food and non-toxic home goods, you'll find better alternatives for all areas of your life. Open up your world today with Conscious Box! Subscribe today!
Meet Your Favorite Companies, Leave Reviews & Shop for the Best Natural Products!
Conscious Box has created an easy, fun way to discover new favorites! The Conscious Box subscription is a monthly delivery of pure and sustainable products that are handpicked from businesses that care for the planet—just like you! We selectively choose our products, only allowing the purest companies working toward the most ethical goals. Each month, you meet 10-20 of these companies right at your doorstep! (It's like a birthday, every month!)
As you discover new favorites, Conscious Box makes it fun (and rewarding!) to leave reviews and ratings so businesses can improve their product, packaging, and business as a whole. We place YOU at the core of helping natural products go from good to great! Earning points along the way, you're then able to apply savings to your favorite products. Simply choose how many points you'd like to spend and boom! You're on your way to enjoying your favorite product at a fresh, low price.
Conscious Box Wants to Make a Difference
With thousands of products claiming to be the healthiest, most socially responsible company, it becomes difficult to sort through what works and what doesn’t. After experiencing this first-hand, the creators of Conscious Box knew there had to be a better way. Learn about this...
Enter the giveaway and get your chance to check out their products before your subscribe to this great service!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Kerri's Kreations
"Kerri’s Kreations started out as one woman with a neuromuscular disease called Myasthenia Gravis (MG), trying to bring attention and funds to a cause. It became so much more!
I started out making MG Awareness bracelets. Then I started making earrings. Pretty soon I was getting requests for other things such as a different style of bracelet, shorter earrings, etc. I started a facebook page and, before I knew it, I was making all kinds of jewelry, not just MG Awareness jewelry. I started getting requests from people about key fobs and bookmarks as well!"
This is what I saw and couldn't wait to be apart of the review crew! I have a great respect for those who do for others and this certainly fit the bill! I am honored to be a part of it! We even got to choose which product we wanted. You don't see that very often.
Right away I knew what I wanted to choose. Bookmarks! I am always looking for things to mark my Bible with and I thought this would be perfect! There was so many to choose from and she even let us list our top three favorites for her to choose from :) Here is mine!
Isn't it pretty!!
When I first opened it up I was excited! It is very well put together. No strings hanging off. And obviously very durable. I have put it with a different book instead of my Bible but I know it will end up there. The book that it is marking right now is by my bed ...on the floor. Holding up nicely! Here you can see the detail of the end piece.
If you are looking for a bookmark or keyfob...I definitely recommend Kerri's Kreations!
Friday, March 8, 2013
I have come to love to post on here what the Lord sets on my heart. But it is time to take a small break. I really feel the Lord needs me to focus more on Him and less on sharing just right now. He is leading me in a new direction right now and I want to be able to fully share that with you. I know he is shining a light on new things for me and guiding me. The guidance I know was there before but I am finally understanding on how to accept it.
So please be paitent with me. I am not deleting my blog but taking a break. Taking more time to learn about the Holy Trinity so that I may better share with you.
God Bless!
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says:
So please be paitent with me. I am not deleting my blog but taking a break. Taking more time to learn about the Holy Trinity so that I may better share with you.
God Bless!
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says:
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Joshua 1:8 says:
8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Joshua 1:8 says:
8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Time to LEARN!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
This was actually a difficult one....
Quest: (N) an act or instance of seeking
I am definitely on a quest to learn more about God everyday. Are you?
29 But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul
Deuteronomy 4:29 NKJV
I love YouVersion.com
I love that they an app for your smart phone too!
No reason not to get your devotion in now. Not that you should try to make up a reason not to get it done. God made time for you and you should do so for Him!
I have been doing a year long devotional reading plan through You Version. Right now I am on day 90.
"David asked God to search for sin and point it out, even to the level of testing his thoughts. This is exploratory surgery for sin. How are we to recognize sin unless God points it out? Then, when God shows us, we can repent and be forgiven. Make this verse your prayer. If you ask the Lord to search your heart and your thoughts, and to reveal your sin, you will be continuing on God's "path of everlasting life."
Included with this is scripture from Psalms. Psalms 139: 23-24 NKJV
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
God's plan for me...well this verse and devotional definitely reaches out in His time for sure. Dwelling on our thoughts can be devastating if they are not with Him. When you struggle with where you mind goes....pray this verse so that He can help guide you.
I love that they an app for your smart phone too!
No reason not to get your devotion in now. Not that you should try to make up a reason not to get it done. God made time for you and you should do so for Him!
I have been doing a year long devotional reading plan through You Version. Right now I am on day 90.
"David asked God to search for sin and point it out, even to the level of testing his thoughts. This is exploratory surgery for sin. How are we to recognize sin unless God points it out? Then, when God shows us, we can repent and be forgiven. Make this verse your prayer. If you ask the Lord to search your heart and your thoughts, and to reveal your sin, you will be continuing on God's "path of everlasting life."
Included with this is scripture from Psalms. Psalms 139: 23-24 NKJV
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
God's plan for me...well this verse and devotional definitely reaches out in His time for sure. Dwelling on our thoughts can be devastating if they are not with Him. When you struggle with where you mind goes....pray this verse so that He can help guide you.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
UnHooked! 7 Steps To Emotional Freedom Book Give Away!
It has been to long since I have blogged. I have been very sidetracked. I am hoping to get back on track. I have been given a task by my Pastor's wife and I hope that I can share it with you at the end of the week. As you been to pray and seek the Lord; you have to be willing to hear what God has to say. God has shown me me somethings and I hope that I can grow in my Spirit and glorify God.
BUT back track!! As a part of the CWA Review Crew, I was given an opportunity to enter into a giveaway for a self help book. After reading what the book was about, I am more excited than before. Everyone loves to win, but to win something so helpful and uplifting makes it all that more exciting.
One of the requirements to enter into the contest is to answer this question.....
"What would be the best thing that would happen if you were able to get “unhooked” from the impact of a past painful experience?"
So many ways to answer this question but be sure it is a heartfelt answer. Pray and listen to what God says.
BUT back track!! As a part of the CWA Review Crew, I was given an opportunity to enter into a giveaway for a self help book. After reading what the book was about, I am more excited than before. Everyone loves to win, but to win something so helpful and uplifting makes it all that more exciting.
The book is called UnHooked! 7 Steps to Emotional Freedom
"What would be the best thing that would happen if you were able to get “unhooked” from the impact of a past painful experience?"
So many ways to answer this question but be sure it is a heartfelt answer. Pray and listen to what God says.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Telling Brings Fellowship by Rosemary Jensen
1 John 1:1-10
In 1 John 1:3-4 we see John eager to tell his friends and associates what he knows of Jesus - what he has "seen and heard". It seems that he could hardly wait to tell them, because by telling them what he knew of Jesus he would promote fellowship with his friends. True fellowship was what John wanted, and it is what we want too. Fellowship is not just camaraderie; it is what two or more people experience when they have the same goals and desires, when they think alike and communicate in such a way as to actually enter into the others experience.
John wanted this kind of communication with his friends. It was as if he was saying to them, "Let me tell you what I have seen and heard of Jesus Christ so that we may have the same mind about him, the same desire to know him better, the same experience of him." Then he goes on to say that we will have this fellowship because we have fellowship with the same Father and the same Son, Jesus Christ. We fellowship with God (the Father and the Son), and he brings us into fellowship because together we share his life.
Are you eager to declare to your family and friends what you have "seen and heard" of Jesus Christ so that you may enter into true fellowship with them? Telling them about Jesus (and also listening to them tell you!) is the most fulfilling experience you can have with other human beings. Exchanging the knowledge of Jesus Christ with others will bring you greater joy than you can imagine. At least that's what John says in 1 John 1:4: "We write this to make our [and your] joy complete." Telling brings fellowship and fellowship brings joy.
Talking with others about Jesus is always risky. They may label you a fanatic. You may risk turning them off. But it is worth the risk, because it will bring that complete joy you desperately desire.
These are not my words but those of Rosemary Jensen. This was published in my Bible and I felt compelled to share it with others. It definitely rings true in my heart as I hope it does in yours.
In 1 John 1:3-4 we see John eager to tell his friends and associates what he knows of Jesus - what he has "seen and heard". It seems that he could hardly wait to tell them, because by telling them what he knew of Jesus he would promote fellowship with his friends. True fellowship was what John wanted, and it is what we want too. Fellowship is not just camaraderie; it is what two or more people experience when they have the same goals and desires, when they think alike and communicate in such a way as to actually enter into the others experience.
John wanted this kind of communication with his friends. It was as if he was saying to them, "Let me tell you what I have seen and heard of Jesus Christ so that we may have the same mind about him, the same desire to know him better, the same experience of him." Then he goes on to say that we will have this fellowship because we have fellowship with the same Father and the same Son, Jesus Christ. We fellowship with God (the Father and the Son), and he brings us into fellowship because together we share his life.
Are you eager to declare to your family and friends what you have "seen and heard" of Jesus Christ so that you may enter into true fellowship with them? Telling them about Jesus (and also listening to them tell you!) is the most fulfilling experience you can have with other human beings. Exchanging the knowledge of Jesus Christ with others will bring you greater joy than you can imagine. At least that's what John says in 1 John 1:4: "We write this to make our [and your] joy complete." Telling brings fellowship and fellowship brings joy.
Talking with others about Jesus is always risky. They may label you a fanatic. You may risk turning them off. But it is worth the risk, because it will bring that complete joy you desperately desire.
These are not my words but those of Rosemary Jensen. This was published in my Bible and I felt compelled to share it with others. It definitely rings true in my heart as I hope it does in yours.
To Easy Drill Sergent, To Easy!
Definition of PRAYER
a (1) : an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought <said a prayer for the success of the voyage> (2) : a set order of words used in praying. Psalm 107:28-30 Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven
Matthew 7:7 ”Ask, and it will be given to you seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Matthew 21:22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”
John 14:13-14 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it
Mark 9:29 And he said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.”
Acts 9:40 But Peter
put them all outside, and knelt down and prayed; and turning to the
body he said, “Tabitha, arise.” And she opened her eyes, and when she
saw Peter she sat up.
James 5:14-16 Is
anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and
let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will
raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one
another,that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has
great power as it is working.
Ephesians 6:18 praying
at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that
end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the
Philippians 4:6-7 do
not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Omnipresence: The concept that God is in all places at all times.
Easy enough right? It is for me.
Deuteronomy 31:6 - "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."
Joshua 1:5 - No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.
1 Kings 8:57 - May the Lord our God be with us, as He was with our fathers. May He not leave us nor forsake us,
1 Chronicles 28:20 -And David said to his son Solomon, "Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God-my God-will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.
Hebrews 13:5 - Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Footprints in the Sand |
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. |
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. |
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. |
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, |
other times there were one set of footprints. |
This bothered me because I noticed |
that during the low periods of my life, |
when I was suffering from |
anguish, sorrow or defeat, |
I could see only one set of footprints. |
So I said to the Lord, |
"You promised me Lord, |
that if I followed you, |
you would walk with me always. |
But I have noticed that during |
the most trying periods of my life |
there have only been one |
set of footprints in the sand. |
Why, when I needed you most, |
you have not been there for me?" |
The Lord replied, |
"The times when you have |
seen only one set of footprints, |
is when I carried you." |
Mary Stevenson |
Sunday, January 20, 2013
2 Timothy 3:10-17
Journal Prompt: Read 2 Timothy 3:10-17. Paul
is writing this letter from prison, shortly before he is killed. He is
writing to Timothy – and us – with an important message. Write out
verses 14-15. Paul is urging us to continue to learn…and to be
We learn in a variety of ways – reading our Bibles, listening to sermons, worship through song, small group studies to dig deeper, daily devotions to think upon, etc. As we learn, we gain knowledge, but remember, being convinced is recognizing what you have learned as truth. Being convinced allows you to live a life that is different without being afraid. Are you convinced?
Celebrate Jesus by taking your knowledge to the next level and becoming convinced. This may mean more regular church attendance, getting on a Bible reading plan {and sticking to it}, starting a family devotion, or getting involved in a small group. Whatever it means for you, dig in to reveal the truths God has to show you and then share with others!
We learn in a variety of ways – reading our Bibles, listening to sermons, worship through song, small group studies to dig deeper, daily devotions to think upon, etc. As we learn, we gain knowledge, but remember, being convinced is recognizing what you have learned as truth. Being convinced allows you to live a life that is different without being afraid. Are you convinced?
Celebrate Jesus by taking your knowledge to the next level and becoming convinced. This may mean more regular church attendance, getting on a Bible reading plan {and sticking to it}, starting a family devotion, or getting involved in a small group. Whatever it means for you, dig in to reveal the truths God has to show you and then share with others!
Thank you SpotLIGHT316 for sharing your journal prompts!
2 Timothy 3:14-15 (NKJV)
14) But you must continue in the things in which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15) and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
It isn't the same as writing it out on paper but I wanted to make sure that I spent that time at least 'typing' it word for word. This is a very good prompt for me. Knowing and being convinced are definitely two different things. To be convinced you can not pass up an opportunity to learn, to praise and to thank God. The more I study, the happier I am. God loves us each so much it is inconceivable for us to understand. For us to understand that He knows us better than we know ourselves. To grasp the true concept of His love for everyone. I know that as I come across so many post, scriptures and others reminding me to study His word each day ~ that I do not do it enough. I definitely have the knowledge that Jesus is my Savior. But I am truly convinced of all He can do.....I know in my heart that the answer is no. But I am working on it. Studying more and more. Listening to others more and more. Seeing the work He is doing with my husband, my boys. Life is good. GOD is amazing. How convinced are you?
1. a native or inhabitant of Nazareth.
2. a member of a sect of early Jewish converts to Christianity who retained the Mosaic ritual.
3. the Nazarene, Jesus Christ.
4. of or pertaining to Nazareth or the Nazarenes.
This one was actually very hard. To find a single word to represent what you believe. I asked around. I had thought of choosing this word before it was presented to me but couldn't decided. So I asked my husband and he came up with the same one. Meant to be.
I started researching to make sure I had at least a tiny understanding. I did. But not as much as I thought. It is nice to be able to seek out what we need.
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