One simply word that describes this product.
I had seen this product all over the internet. Blogs and giveaways. Advertisements. I decided that I had to try it and see if it was really all is was made out to be. It is. Simply put.
When I first got the box I was nervous. It seemed complicated. I don't do complicated.
For the purpose of the review, Sodastream was kind enough to send me many flavors to try. My favorite that I was really looking forward to was the Zero Cola. I personally drink Coke Zero . Sonic is the only restaurant that actually serves it so you can imagine how often I go there. .... Sorry I usual.
I took everything out of the box and put it on the counter. Still thinking complicated. But I didn't want to get myself upset without good reason. So I decided to pick up the
instructions, since I am a woman, and see what they had to tell me.
It actually turned out to be very easy! I was super pumped about that! Put it together and started using it in less than 10 minutes. How much easier can you get than that? I filled up the bottle with water from my refrigerator to make sure it was cold enough. I didn't have the patience to fill it up from the tap and wait for it to get cold. Kinda like that. I have three boys...they take all the patience I can muster.
Anyway, put the bottle on the and pushed the button. That was it. Then took the bottle of
Zero Cola, poured in the right amount and mixed away. Slowly mind you as I didn't want to wear it. It tasted great!
Couldn't wait for the boys to get home from school to give it a try! They had been waiting to try it too but I wouldn't let them before me. As soon as we got home they asked to have some 'water soda'. Everyone got to pick the flavor they wanted to try first. I had one choose root beer, one went for cola and another for zero cola. They each did it themselves and were really happy with it! Even my youngest, age 9, was able to make his own. He was pretty proud of himself. So here we have 4 out of 5. Now to wait for number 5 to get home.
Hubby came home and we, of course, had to make him some lemon lime for him. His favorite! He agreed to that it was really good and definitely a great idea! Pop that taste good and that is less expensive than regular pop.
I also couldn't wait to try the water enhancers. You carbonate the water and then add orange, lemon lime or raspberry. Just a hint of flavor to your water with bubbles! Love it!
So you have it ~ Top vote on flavor and ease of use by all five of us.
We have used almost all of the carbonation and tons of different flavors. So then you have the situation of trying to find more. The first thing I did was
register my product online. After the very simple registration product, I used their
Dealer location map. Type in a zip code, it comes up with several different locations to purchase their products and it even told you if that particular location offered carbonation bottles. Living where we do, kinda out in the middle of no where, we will have to drive a short distance to get new ones but it will definitely be worth it.
One last thing that I definitely have to mention. Sodastream is very
environmentally friendly. Why? Easy. How many plastic pop bottles are you saving by using this refillable one instead of buying new ones ;)
Be sure to click on the picture and let Sodastream tell you themselves!!